

green monster

my kids drink these because of the name alone.

they are so nutritious.  guess what i put it in them?

yes.  spinach.
yes. flaxseed.
yes. berries, banana's, soy milk, protein powder and oj.  

they love green monsters.  i do too.  i drink one almost every day.  

looking for a quick breakfast, lunch or even (often) dinner!?

green monster smoothie
1/2 cup oj (fortified)
1 cup soy milk or skim milk (i use light vanilla soy)
handful fresh spinach (show the kids popeye)
1 banana, sliced
4-5 strawberries, sliced
1 Tbsp flax
2 Tbsp vanilla protein powder

blend.  yum

fruit alternatives and/or pairings that are yummy; blueberry and banana.  oj and pineapple.  blackberries and raspberries. anything goes.

i also LOVE chocolate protein powder, chocolate soy milk (light), 1 Tbsp almond butter, 1 banana and 1 Tbsp flax blended with ice.  this is like dessert.  i swear.

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