

coconut curry chicken soup

i talk about the co-op a lot, i know.  sorry? it's just that now, the majority of our produce comes from the co-op which creates a fun little challenge every week.  what can i make with these ingredients?

tonight i was really wanting something with curry.  i like curry and, i happened to have some chicken waiting to be cooked.

i searched forever for a soup recipe.  something that used coconut milk and curry and chicken.  maybe mushrooms and broccoli.  all the things needing to be used asap but i came up empty handed. 

not to fear my dears, i made this recipe up, all by myself.  it was good too.  everyone ate it.  no one complained.  the husband had seconds.  no one said "i'm hungry" two hours later.  winner!?

i thought it was really yummy but then again, i really like curry so.  who knows.  

my intention was a "soup" using pad thai noodles i had sitting in the pantry.  i don't know if they would have worked but, it didn't matter anyway because when i got to that step "add noodles," i read the package directions and found the noodles required soaking for an hour before consumption.  too late for that so, i added a cup of rice and let it simmer for 15 minutes.  still longer than i wanted the broccoli in the boiling water but oh well, i'd already added it and needed to be able to call this a complete meal without pulling out the loaf of sandwich bread.

the rice was good.  noodles would be great.

coconut curry chicken soup
4 cups unsalted chicken stock
2 cups water
4-5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 tbsp olive oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 medium onion, diced
8 oz mushrooms, washed & sliced
2 tbsp brown sugar
3 tsp red curry paste
1 tsp yellow curry powder
14 oz can unsweetened coconut milk, DO NOT SHAKE
2 cups broccoli florets

bring the chicken stock and water to a boil in a large stock pot.  add the chicken and blanch for approximately 8 minutes.

while the chicken is cooking, heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat.  add the onions and cook for approximately 3 minutes until soft.  add the garlic and red pepper.  saute for another minute or so then add the mushrooms.  cook for another couple of minutes (until the mushrooms are soft) then add the brown sugar, curry paste and curry powder.  stir until combined.

remove the chicken from the boiling stock/water and add the broccoli.  turn to medium and cover to steam broccoli.

while the broccoli is steaming, add the coconut milk to the onion mixture.   add only the thick portion of the coconut milk using a spoon rather than dumping the entire can in.  there should be liquid remaining in the can.  mix the milk in with the mixture and turn heat to low while you shred the chicken.

put the chicken back in the stock pot and add the onion mixture, stirring well.

at this point, my intention was to add the noodles.  rice noodles would probably work best and they only take a minute to cook so i wasn't worried about the broccoli getting mushy.

all in all, it turned out great and it was really delicious.

maybe next time i'll try lite coconut milk to save on the saturated fat just a little though i doubt it would be as creamy.  and, another tsp or so of the red curry paste would have been great for that extra "kick."

makes approximately 6 servings

Nutrition Facts
coconut curry soup with chicken
Serving Size: 1 serving
Amount Per Serving
Total Fat20.4g
      Saturated Fat9.6g
      Trans Fat0g
      Dietary Fiber3g
Vitamin A 26%Vitamin C 104%
Calcium    7%Iron 14%


  1. Oh, my fav! I love coconut soup but haven't attempted to make it yet... it's on my to do list this Fall/Winter. I love it w fresh lemon grass. I love how you added all the veggies and it looks so yummy!

  2. dang it gwen! i totally had lemongrass in the fridge and forgot to use it. sigh.
