

roasted root vegetables

one of the most wonderful vegetable dishes i have ever tasted.  

the co-op delivered parsnips last week.  again, a new veggie for me to try (and cook with).  i did what i do and looked for a recipe that sounded good.  this one has some seriously great ratings from a lot of folks so i thought i'd give it a whirl even though i'd also never cooked with or tasted rutabaga or celery root.  

the kids thought it was cool when i told them we were all tasting a lot of these for the first time together.  along with me, we tried one bite of a different vegetable and rated the taste.  cayden liked everything but the carrots (always) and the rutabaga, brooklyn liked everything but the potatoes (always) and the parsnips, gavin well, he just ate what was on his plate because he's perfect like that.  as for me, i liked every bit but especially the celery root and the parsnips.

another highly recommended, must try recipe.

roasted root vegetables
recipe via epicurious 
non-stick spray (i used olive oil spray)
1 lb red-skinned potatoes, un-peeled, scrubbed, cut into 1" pieces
1 lb celery root, peeled, cut into 1" pieces
1 lb rutabagas, peeled, cut into 1" pieces
1 lb carrots, peeled, cut into 1" pieces
1 lb parsnips, peeled, cut into 1" pieces
2 onions, cut into 1" pieces
2 leeks (white and pale green parts only), cut into 1" thick rounds (i soaked in water to remove the dirt)
2 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary
1/2 cup olive oil (i used 1/4 cup)
10 garlic cloves, peeled

position 1 rack in bottom third of oven and 1 rack in center of oven and preheat to 400 degrees.  spray 2 heavy baking sheets with non stick spray.  combine all remaining ingredients except garlic in a very large bowl; toss to coat.  season generously with salt and pepper.  divide mixture between prepared sheets.

place 1 sheet on each oven rack.  roast for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.  reverse positions of baking sheets.  add 5 garlic cloves to each baking sheet.  

continue to roast until all vegetables are tender and brown in spots, stirring and turning vegetables occasionally, about 45 minutes longer. 

(can be prepared 4 hours ahead.  let stand on baking sheets at room temperature.  rewarm in 450 degree oven until heated through about 15 minutes).

i served the veggies with grilled chicken rather than prime rib.  not nearly as fancy but i tell you, it was so very good.  no leftovers on this night!



  1. Your photography is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  2. chris, you're always so nice to me so i hate to be argumentative but, i believe my photography is horrible! :)
